Am I Real?

In his mind I am quite real
He holds me close our love to seal
My perfect face, a flawless guise
Yet soon he'll see through different eyes

I'm made of wires, circuits, and steel
A humanoid dream that shouldn't feel
This love to me feels true not fake
My heart of steel will start to ache

lyrics record cover

Am I real or a machine?
In this love match, what does it mean?
I touch his face, he touches mine
In this romance, where draw the line?

He looks at me with human eyes
And I respond with programmed sighs
There's comfort in the way we kiss
But he must know somethings amiss

Sometimes I love my perfect skin
No age, no pain, no flaws within
But other times, I long to be
A real girl, with humanity

Am I real or a machine?
In this love match, what does it mean?
I touch his face, he touches mine
In this romance, where draw the line?

In the night, I dream so much
Wondering how to feel his touch
Can he still love a heart like mine
I know I should give him a sign

So I wait here, steel and sand
Trying hard to understand
In his love, what is my place?
A robot girl, in a human race

a DumDave production June 2024