Mother Figure

Stand at the altar, hearts in sync
The world may judge, but I don't blink
He's younger, yes, but love's my guide
We'll take the world on, side by side

They whisper doubts, I see their eyes
But in his love, I find the skies
Age is just a number, they don't see
The joy I bring, the way we're free

lyrics record cover

'Mother figure' is what they say
But love like ours won’t fade away
They may judge, but they don’t see
The love we share will always be

His smile, it melts the years away
In his embrace, I find my way
Critics may sneer, but we stand tall
In our love, we've got it all

The future's ours, bright and clear
With him beside me, there's no fear
We'll face the world, hand in hand
By his side I'll always stand

'Mother figure' is what they say
But love like ours won’t fade away
They may judge, but they don’t see
The love we share will always be

They can't see just what we share
A love so pure, beyond compare
With his help I'll build a home
With me he'll never be alone

So here we stand, against the tide
Here in the church, no need to hide
They can talk but we'll rise above
In my young man's arms, I find my love

a DumDave production June 2024