Rosy Thoughts

In any garden where roses bloom
I am quite lost in their perfume
Each different shade a memory past
Each memory one that will now last

You brought me roses, red and pink
A symbol of love, better than mink
But now you're gone, and I am here
So roses tell me not to fear

lyrics record cover

Rosy thoughts they fill my head
In every garden I first see red
It makes me feel you're near to me
In each petal lies a memory

The thorns, they prick, but I don't mind
For in the pain, your love I find
In the garden's quiet, I feel you near
Whispering love, drying every tear

The petals fall, like tears from my eyes
Yet in each drop, a love that never dies
With every rose, I keep you close
In my heart, you're the bloom I chose

Rosy thoughts they fill my head
In every garden I first see red
It makes me feel you're near to me
In each petal lies a memory

In the moonlight, I tend the flowers
Recalling love, in the quiet hours
Though time moves on, and seasons change
In the garden, your love remains

So I'll keep planting, year by year
Each rose a symbol, keeping you near
In the garden of my soul, you'll stay
In every rose, your love won't fade away

a DumDave production June 2024