Straying Singer

In the spotlight, plays his song
Crowds applaud, they sing along
His angel's voice it pulls me in
But my heart fears his taste for sin

Charisma shines, every girl's dream
A rockstar life is as it seems
I watch afar, my head in hand
Wondering if he’ll understand

lyrics record cover

In the spotlight, plays his song
Crowds applaud, they sing along
His angel's voice it pulls me in
But my heart fears his taste for sin

Charisma shines, every girl's dream
A rockstar life is as it seems
I watch afar, my head in hand
Wondering if he’ll understand

Straying singer, I'm his girl
Nearly lost in his fast world
As he daily wants to roam
Can I keep him coming home

His touch is magic, his words are gold
In his embrace, I feel so bold
But doubts appear most every night
How can I keep his love in sight?

Thousands cheer, but I'm alone
In backstage shadows, on my own
He’s adored, and I’m afraid
Of losing all the love we’ve made

Straying singer, I'm his girl
Nearly lost in his fast world
As he daily wants to roam
Can I keep him coming home

In the silence after each show
Does he think of me? I need to know
Behind the curtain, in the dark
What's really happening in his heart?

a DumDave production June 2024