Dreams of Love

In gown of white, she stands so still
A future forced against her will
Her beauty shines, but tears are near
A fate unknown, a heart in fear

An older man with power and pride
He'll take her hand, make her his bride
Her family's safety was the threat
In this union, her needs aren't met

lyrics record cover

Dreams of love, now turn to dust
Just pain for her, for him its lust
In his grasp, her heart won't melt
He plans to tame her with his belt

She wanted fields where she could run
With children playing in the sun
But shadows loom, and she must stay
In a gilded cage, on each cold day

Her thoughts are dark, her spirit wanes
Behind her smile , her heart remains
She wonders if she'll ever find
A love that's free, a peace of mind

Dreams of love, now turn to dust
Just pain for her, for him its lust
In his grasp, her heart won't melt
He plans to tame her with his belt

In the mirror, she sees her fate
A future tied, an endless wait
But in her heart, a flame still glows
A spark of hope, that no one knows

Dreams of love, now turn to dust
Just pain for her, for him its lust
In his grasp, her heart won't melt
He plans to tame her with his belt

a DumDave production June 2024