Dreaming High

Last night I had this dream so wild
In a world where fantasies beguiled
In a hot air balloon, I sailed the skies
With a handsome man, stars in our eyes

From Paris to New York we flew
In colors vivid, skies so blue
Through clouds of cotton, lands unseen
A journey straight from a fantasy scene

lyrics record cover

Dreaming high, a balloon so grand
All in love, we crossed the land
With every breeze came a new sight
We couldn't wish a better flight

We soared above the ocean's waves
Saw cities bright and ancient caves
Through time and space, our spirits free
In a world only we two could see

He whispered tales of love and lore
As we drifted to each distant shore
By every word, I was entranced
As strange ideas around me danced

Dreaming high, a balloon so grand
All in love, we crossed the land
With every breeze came a new sight
We couldn't wish a better flight

Awake now, the dream's a fading glow
But the magic lingers, this I know
In my heart, that dream will stay
A timeless tale that lights my way

Dreaming high, a balloon so grand
All in love, we crossed the land
With every breeze came a new sight
We couldn't wish a better flight

So when I close my eyes tonight
I'll wish for another dream so bright
To sail the skies, and feel the tune
Of love and adventure in a red balloon

a DumDave production June 2024