Bride No More

She once wore white but now wears green
A widow young, who grief has seen
He died a hero, killed in war
Now she must even the score

In the shadows, trained with skill
A sniper's eye, a steely will
Her hands now steady, her aim so true
She kills for love, as soldiers do

lyrics record cover

Bride no more works in the night
She takes her aim, joining the fight
For every tear that she has shed
She marks a kill above her bed

Her memories fuel the fire inside
In every shot, she takes great pride
The enemy lines, she passes by
A lone avenger, never a sigh

She whispers to him with each kill
Her eyes and hands have deadly skill
In the crosshairs, all is clear
Her mission is to make them fear

Bride no more works in the night
She takes her aim, joining the fight
For every tear that she has shed
She marks a kill above her bed

In the midst of war, she stands alone
A warrior forged from love now gone
With every shot she feels his touch
In battle misses him so much

Bride no more works in the night
She takes her aim, joining the fight
For every tear that she has shed
She marks a kill above her bed

a DumDave production June 2024