Yellow Dreams

She wakes at sunrise, brushes to hand
Painting fields and golden sand
Her canvas blooms with many shades
In her yellow world where all else fades

Friends and teachers shake their heads
"Try something new," they’ve often said
But she can't resist the yellow hue
Every stroke shows this is true

lyrics record cover

Yellow dreams, her special vision
As an artist, treated with derision
She doesn't care and she won't change
In yellow shades she shows her range

Golden daisies, a lemon tree
Her paintings seem special to me
While others doubt, I am her rock
I have her back though others mock

They say "be flexible, explore a range"
But she likes yellow and won't change
It's a colour of joy, of hope, of cheer
In her yellow world, there is no fear

Yellow dreams, her special vision
As an artist, treated with derision
She doesn't care and she won't change
In yellow shades she shows her range

One day they'll see the light she brings
In every yellow song she sings
Her art's a beacon, bright and true
In yellow, she finds worlds anew

Yellow dreams, her special vision
As an artist, treated with derision
She doesn't care and she won't change
In yellow shades she shows her range

So let them talk, she'll paint her way
In yellow hues, each day by day
Her passion’s clear, her spirit's mellow
In a world of colours, she wants yellow

a DumDave production June 2024