Tokens of Love

Two young hearts learned to love
Keeping all hidden from those above
But now have moved to different ways
But the earliest memories still blaze

She's in white, with a pretty feather
Walks down the aisle, their hands together
Her husband has a gentle air
She loves him and the life they'll share

lyrics record cover

Tokens of love, things from our past
Memory of a bond that couldn't last
In our hearts, it still shines bright
A secret love, first guiding light

I've found my path and she's found him
We must move on, let passion dim
But in the quiet, when shadows fall
I still hear her whisper, soft and small

She slips a locket in my hand
A silent message, I understand
With a tear, I give her mine
A cherished keepsake, love's design

Tokens of love, things from our past
Memory of a bond that couldn't last
In our hearts, it still shines bright
A secret love, our first guiding light

We smile through tears, a little glance
Knowing we won't have another chance
Yet in these gifts, our souls entwine
A secret love that stills the time

Tokens of love, things from our past
Memory of a bond that couldn't last
In our hearts, it still shines bright
A secret love, our first guiding light

She walks away, a bride so fair
I hold the locket, make a prayer
In our hearts, our love's concealed
Yet in these gifts, our truth's revealed

a DumDave production June 2024