Summer Harvest

We pack our bags in the summer haze
Head to the farm where picking pays
In the orchard we'll pick and mow
Hoping perhaps wild oats we'll sow

There they are, with charming smiles
From a distant land, with different styles
Picking apples with great ease
They made us blush with a gentle tease

lyrics record cover

Summer harvest is such fun
Working hard with everyone
Meeting sun-tanned boys all day
We work real hard and then we play

They spoke of mountains, rivers wide
Tales of adventure, eyes open wide
We listened close, our minds did race
To the wonders of that distant place

With every basket filled with care
They shared their stories, dreams laid bare
Laughter echoed all around
The work was easy with such sounds

Summer harvest is such fun
Working hard with everyone
Meeting sun-tanned boys all day
We work real hard and then we play

At each break we'd laugh and talk
Sometimes in the breaks we'd walk
Cultures blended, hearts unite
On a summer farm, all feels right

Summer harvest is such fun
Working hard with everyone
Meeting sun-tanned boys all day
We work real hard and then we play

As the summer days passed by
Each found a way to reach a high
Then, with harvest full, and heart so light
They returned to home with memories bright

a DumDave production June 2024