Pier Girls

They work the pier, sun in their hair
Smiling at strangers, not a care
Tourists pass, trying to guess
But they learned early, they're not easy to impress

They wave them off, knowing the deal
They're here for fun, not something real
But there's always one boy who catches their eye
Probably works the arcade, and makes them sigh

lyrics record cover

Pier girls, have seen it all
And dream of lovers strong and tall
As the waves crash under the neon glow
They know very well just how things go

They see him laugh, surrounded by girls
Flashing smiles and tossing their curls
They know he's a player, they can't compete
But their heart continues to skip a beat

They share a glance, a fleeting spark
In the hustle and bustle, after dark
They dream of a day when that guy will see
That pier girls are perfect and it’s meant to be

Pier girls, have seen it all
And dream of lovers strong and tall
As the waves crash under the neon glow
They know very well just how things go

One summer night, they take a chance
As the music plays, they risk a dance
In the moonlight then, under the stars
They give their all, and go too far.

Pier girls, have seen it all
And dream of lovers strong and tall
As the waves crash under the neon glow
They know very well just how things go

As the season ends and the tourists leave
They hold on to the ideas they believe
That maybe next summer, they'll land a fan
who is worth all the wait, a perfect pier man

a DumDave production June 2024