Lingering Kisses

The moonlight on them silver glows
On the doorstep passion flows
Two lovers stand, bodies entwined
Counting moments, defying time

Inside the house, her father waits
With a ticking clock she really hates
Curfew looms, but love holds true
They have to part but what to do?

Lingering kisses, soft and sweet
A stolen moment, hearts that beat
In the doorway, lovers embrace
Lost in time, lost in space

lyrics record cover

His hands in hers, a gentle touch
For fleeting moments, mean so much
Her father's presence, a looming threat
But their love story continues yet

The world around it fades away
In their bubble, they must stay
Every kiss, a new promise made
With their passion, love won't fade

Lingering kisses, soft and sweet
A stolen moment, hearts that beat
In the doorway, lovers embrace
Lost in time, lost in space

Stars above, witness their plight
Holding on with all their might
Whispered words, a tender plea
"We'll just one more minute be"

Lingering kisses, soft and sweet
A stolen moment, hearts that beat
In the doorway, lovers embrace
Lost in time, lost in space

As her curfew calls her name
Their love burns bright, a steady flame
One last kiss more, then slip inside
For in their hearts, love will abide

a DumDave production June 2024