Shiny Car

Saw him pull up in a shiny car
Suit so sharp, like a movie star
He smiled at me, I felt a spark
But is he hiding something dark?

He talks so smooth, like he’s rehearsed
Words like honey, I’m immersed
But something whispers in my mind
Is there truth that I can’t find?

lyrics record cover

Is he real or just a dream?
Not everything is what it seems
With shiny car and clothes so fine
I still wonder, do I make him mine?

Dinner dates and fancy wine
He shows me off, I feel divine
But in his eyes, I search for more
I search for truth I can’t ignore

He buys me gifts, he plays the part
But does he hold a loving heart?
Beneath the surface, what’s the cost?
In his perfection, is he lost?

Is he real or just a dream?
Not everything is what it seems
With shiny car and clothes so fine
I still wonder, do I make him mine?

About his past life he will not talk
I wonder on that as we walk
He goes quite quiet, and will not say
I fear the charm will fade away

Till then I’ll dance this careful dance
With guarded heart and cautious glance
Hoping one day he’ll reveal
If his love shown is truly real

a DumDave production June 2024