Guitar Man

With my guitar hung by my side
To meet my tutor I go ride
As I approach, my heart skips beats
Yet in his eyes, each lesson is repeats

Fingers on strings, I try to play
His gentle voice shows me the way
Each chord he teaches, my heart sings too
And yet he clearly has no clue

lyrics record cover

Oh, guitar man, cannot you see
This lesson means the world to me
At every note, in every song
I seek your arms so fine and strong

He plays a tune, his eyes closed tight
He's lost in dreams, I'm in his sight
A smile forms as he guides my hand
But he doesn't see, can't understand

I strum along, my voice is shy
But when he’s near, I touch the sky
He talks of chords, I hear romance
If only he'd give me a chance

One day I'll sing a song so true
With every lyric pointing to you
Maybe then you'll finally see
The woman right in front of thee

With a final chord, my heart's in tune
Hoping you'll see me, maybe soon
Till then I'll play and dream away
Of the love I'll find one day

Maybe then you'll finally see
The woman I will one day be

With a final chord, my heart's in tune
Hoping you'll see me, maybe soon
Till then I'll play and dream away
Of the love I'll find one day

Oh, guitar man, can't you see?
This music means the world to me
Every note, every song
In your arms is where I belong

a DumDave production June 2024