Fleeting Glance

Morning light through the window pane
I see you there, time and again
Same old seat, same old brew
Wonder if you notice too

Each day I move a table near
Hoping you'll see me sitting here
Our eyes meet, a fleeting glance
Caught in this silent dance

lyrics record cover

In this little coffee bar
Two hearts beating, not too far
Finding reasons, inching near
Hoping one day you'll be here

You order black, I choose my blend
Two strangers hoping hearts will mend
Small talk with the barista's cheer
Hoping our voices will soon be clear

My heart races as you pass by
A stolen glance, a silent sigh
One day I'll muster the nerve to say
Hey, do you come here every day?

Maybe tomorrow, maybe soon
In the glow of this café's moon
We'll laugh and chat, no longer shy
Two hearts speaking, you and I

Till then I'll dream and sip my brew
Waiting for the day I'll talk to you
In this café, my heart's set free
Hoping you'll share your world with me

Maybe tomorrow, maybe soon
In the glow of this café's moon
We'll laugh and chat, no longer shy
Two hearts speaking, you and I

In this little coffee bar
Two hearts beating, not too far
Finding reasons, inching near
Hoping one day you'll be here

Till then I'll dream and sip my brew
Waiting for the day I'll talk to you
In this café, my heart's set free
Hoping you'll share your world with me

a DumDave production June 2024