Gossip in the Air

Gossip in the air
At the salon she's there
Whispering 'bout her friend
The truth she can't defend
Scandalous tales
Her secrets on display
Foot tapping to the beat
As she brushes hair away

Fingers on the news
Flipping through the pages
Flirty glances
She's got her secrets
Caught in the act
Her true colors start to show
But she keeps on smiling
Like she's got nowhere to go

lyrics record cover

In her chair
The truth unravels
Her smile may deceive but her secrets travel
Dancing to the rhythm
With foot-tapping beats
In her salon confession
Beneath the heat

Gossip in the air
At the salon she's there
Whispering 'bout her friend
The truth she can't defend
Scandalous tales
Her secrets on display
Foot tapping to the beat
As she brushes hair away

Fingers on the news
Flipping through the pages
Flirty glances
She's got her secrets
Caught in the act
Her true colors start to show
But she keeps on smiling
Like she's got nowhere to go

In her chair
The truth unravels
Her smile may deceive but her secrets travel
Dancing to the rhythm
With foot-tapping beats
In her salon confession
Beneath the heat

a DumDave production June 2024