The Oak Tree

Underneath the old oak tree, she stands
Heart is racing, simple present in her hands
Her first date with the boy on whom she dotes
Dreaming of moments, love's sweet enchanting notes

Sunset paints the sky with hues of gold
Gentle breeze whispers secrets untold
Her heart, like a wild bird taking flight
Ready to soar into the moonlit night

lyrics record cover

The oak tree will bear witness to her dreams
As she waits for love, under its beams
With every moment, her hope grows stronger
Waiting for this means time seems longer

He arrives with a shy, sweet smile
They sit together, stopping for a while
Underneath the oak, love starts to bloom
In the still of night, beneath the glowing moon

Underneath the oak her fears are few
A new beginning for hearts so true
With every moment, their love grows strong
Underneath the oak tree, they know together they belong

a DumDave production June 2024