Rooks in the Trees

Whispering trees, listen close to me
Got a message that I need you to see
My love's out there, fighting in the war
I want to speak to him like never before

Rooks in the trees, please fly high
Tell him I miss him with many a sigh
Carry my love across distant lands
Let him feel like we are holding hands

lyrics record cover

Oh, rooks in the trees, won't you please
Deliver my heart on the gentle breeze
Bring him back safely, keep him near
Rooks in the trees, let him hear

In twilight's glow, as shadows fall
I send my whispers to the rooks' call
With every beat, my heart does yearn
For his safe return, for his safe return

Rooks in the trees, spread your wings wide
Carry my love to the other side
Let him feel my warmth, let him feel my care
Through the skies, a love we share

Oh, rooks in the trees, won't you please
Deliver my heart on the gentle breeze
Bring him back safely, keep him near
Rooks in the trees, let him hear

In dreams, I see his face so clear
Whispered words, I hope he'll hear
Through rooks in the trees, my love conveyed
Till he's home again, where my heart is laid

a DumDave production June 2024