Petshop Loving

See her standing in the pet shop, working away
Her eyes sparkle bright, lighting up my day
Her smile is so warm, her laugh a sweet delight
Flirting with the customers, making hearts feel light

Pet shop love, it's a feeling so alive
When she's around, all the animals thrive
Pet shop love, it's a magical connection
She's got that special something, pure perfection

lyrics record cover

She's got a way with animals, they all adore her
She's the top dog in the pet shop, that's for sure
When she talks to puppies, they wag their tails
Even the parrots sing her praises, sharing their tales

In the aisles of the shop, where love is found
She brings joy to all, spreading it around
Her charm is a magnet, drawing people near
In her world of pets, there's nothing to fear

Every customer leaves with a smile, thanks to her
She knows how to lift spirits, that's for sure
Her heart is warm, her spirit light
In the pet shop's glow, everything feels right

Pet shop love, it's a feeling so alive
When she's around, all the animals thrive
Pet shop love, it's a magical connection
She's got that special something, pure perfection

a DumDave production June 2024