Exotic Bird

A simple soul, I stand my ground
Not a society beauty, but I won't be bound
In my mind's eye, a bird takes flight
Exotic and free, soars through the night

Feathers vibrant, wings unfurled
Flying high, above this world
Prettier than any turtle dove
And nothing stops me rising above

lyrics record cover

In the mirror’s reflection, vibrant hues
An exotic bird, with skies to choose
Not bound by norms, free from molds
A spirit wild, a story unfolds

With colors bright, and heart so bold
Breaking free, I won't be told
In a world so plain, I stand apart
Finding beauty in my art

I’m an exotic bird, watch me soar
Through azure skies, forevermore
Unique and fine, beyond compare
See my colors, admire my flair

Feathers vibrant, wings unfurled
Flying high, above this world
Prettier than any turtle dove
And nothing stops me rising above

With colors bright, and heart so bold
Breaking free, I won't be told
In a world so plain, I stand apart
Finding beauty in my art

a DumDave production June 2024