Lost in Time

In a dusty bookstore's quiet embrace
She finds her peace in a timeless space
Turning pages, her mind takes flight
Dreams of romance fill her night

In a world of fiction, she finds her solace
Heartbeats on paper, her dreams take place
Every story she reads, she's lost in time
Painting her own pictures, reaching the sublime

lyrics record cover

In the realm of dreams, she takes flight
Heroes and heroines, bathed in light
A girl with stories, tales to weave
Magic whispers in the books she leaves

Through the pages, she goes far and wide
In every tale, a piece of her inside
From ancient myths to uncharted skies
In stories, her boundless spirit flies

However tired, she reads until dawn
Lost in adventures, til the night is gone
Each character's life, a world to explore
In the dusty old bookstore, who could crave more

Turning pages, her mind takes flight
Dreams of romance fill her night

a DumDave production June 2024