Clean Dreams

I'm a servant in another's home
Doing little jobs and chores
I'm never alone so I keep going on
Sweeping here and there
I clean things with glee
Finding pleasure in all
Being positive is the way to be

Work my fingers to the bone
Day and night-time too
Dusting off the windows
Making everything right
From the kitchen to the tiniest room
I seek joy when I tidy to banish the gloom

lyrics record cover

With my little broom and trusty mop
I'm the cleaning queen of the home
Never needing to stop
Polish this polish that
Shining it all up bright
Making this a real delight

Would it be better another way
Cleaning my own little place
One day I'll escape and then you will see
Some genuine pleasure light up on my face

Would it be better another way
Cleaning my own little place
One day I'll escape and then you will see
Some genuine pleasure light up on my face

a DumDave production June 2024