Ink and Dreams

Her pen covers the page, a rush of words
A romantic novelist, where deep emotion stirs
Deep within her heart, a longing is found
Echoes of past lovers, a murmering sound

Lost in her thoughts, ideas from the past
Memories flood in, emotions that last
Into each love story weaves her own heart's tale
Of heartbreak and sorrow, raw and unveiled

lyrics record cover

In ink and dreams, she finds sweet escape
Creating worlds where hearts forever ache
Her words a canvas, paint bittersweet fears
A novelist, turning sorrow into fictional tears

At every twist and turn, her stories tell
Of betrayal and lust and a lover's spell
In fiction's embrace, she crafts a path
Healing wounds as in a scented bath

As each chapter closes, a piece of her remains
In stories penned, she mends her pains
A visionary heart, she is bound to write
Through her past nights, she finds her light

Lost in her thoughts, ideas from the past
Memories flood in, emotions that last
Into each love story weaves her own heart's tale
Of heartbreak and sorrow, raw and unveiled

In ink and dreams, she finds sweet escape
Creating worlds where hearts forever ache

a DumDave production June 2024