Floral Frustration

She makes the world so pretty, but she cannot find love
Sending bouquets of beauty, but in her heart it's not enough
Every card that she sends feels like she’s just pretending
Wants her own love that’s true, but those dreams keep on ending

She's a florist by day, with dreams of sweet romance
Crafting blooms with tender care, yearning for a chance
Every petal that she touches, she hopes will light a spark
But the flowers fade away, leaving shadows in her heart

lyrics record cover

Flowers in her hands, but an empty bed at night
She's the florist, always spreading love with all her might
But love's a funny thing, it just keeps passing her by
She's the florist, with a longing heart she can't deny

Every rose she picks, she whispers a prayer
For a love that's real, for someone who'll care
But the thorns they sting, and the petals fall
Her love remains a dream, she's waiting through it all

In the quiet of her shop, as the twilight descends
She dreams of a love that won't ever end
A heart that's her's, a love so pure
A life with someone who makes her secure

She makes the world so pretty, but she cannot find love
Sending bouquets of beauty, but in her heart it's not enough
She's a florist by day, with dreams of sweet romance
Crafting blooms with tender care, yearning for a chance

a DumDave production June 2024