Climbing Back

Caught in love's snare, she wandered alone
A heart torn and weary, stripped to the bone
But she refused to drown in her sorrow deep
With rising strength, she took the leap

With chalked hands and a determined gaze
She faced the wall, ready to amaze
Each hold, each move, a battle to win
Climbing high, she felt alive within

lyrics record cover

Granite cliffs mirrored her hidden strife
Channeling pain, she reclaimed her life
In the rough rock's embrace, she found her peace
A cathartic dance, her inner release

Higher she climbed, leaving the past below
Every step a victory, her strength would grow
With the summit near, her spirit soared
In the climb, her heart was fully restored

At the peak, she stood tall and free
A symbol of strength, for all to see
With the world below, she embraced the sky
No longer tangled, she was ready to fly

Granite cliffs mirrored her hidden strife
Channeling pain, she reclaimed her life
In the rough rock's embrace, she found her peace
A cathartic dance, her inner release

a DumDave production June 2024