Blue Light Love

Blue lights are flashing, chaos all around
Nurse in the storm, where no peace can be found
Heartbeats racing, merging into one
She stands in the midst, feeling overrun

Then she spots him, the one she adores
A beacon in chaos, breaking down doors
His voice, a symphony, mends every ache
In that fleeting moment, her heart's wide awake

lyrics record cover

Saving time, he takes her away
With everything he does, her fears decay
In the heart of the madness, she finds her peace
Watching her hero, her worries release

The world fades as his work begins
Each action a lifeline, making her heart sing
He looks at all times like a man serene
His presence, a balm, to her like a dream

She recalls their past, a love once concealed
In the drama's embrace, the truth is revealed
Their fates intertwined, by destiny's hand
In the heart of chaos, their love takes a stand

As the drama ends, reality returns
But the strength in her heart forever burns
She faces the chaos with newfound might
His voice in her soul, guiding her through the night

Blue lights are flashing, but now she's unfazed
With her hero's presence, her spirit's raised
In the midst of the madness, she's found her way
Her hero's melody, her beacon each day

a DumDave production June 2024