Weaving Words

Two young hearts in a quiet park
Reading poems by the moonlight’s spark
In a world where love speaks free
They find dreams in poetry

Hands touch softly, pages turn
Feel the passion in the words they learn
Lost in verses from long ago
Building memories in the afterglow

lyrics record cover

Words we weave in twilight air
Every line a love we share
Our story penned on pages old
With every rhyme, our hearts unfold

Underneath the starlit sky
Their whispered words begin to fly
Each stanza brings them closer still
In the quiet, their hearts fill

Echoes of poets past and gone
Guide them through the night till dawn
In the margins, their secrets lie
Written softly, side by side

As morning light begins to creep
Their love, a promise they will keep
Bound by verses, their souls unite
Two hearts entwined in love’s own rite

As morning light begins to creep
Their love, a promise they will keep
Bound by verses, their souls unite
Two hearts entwined in love’s own rite

a DumDave production June 2024