Robot Skin

Just a machine, with circuits and lights
Wanting to hold my human tight
To touch her skin, to feel her care
A longing deep, beyond compare

Silicon, wires, and coded heart
They made my love just another part
I love your smile, your gentle grace
But just can't feel your warm embrace

lyrics record cover

Robot skin is hard, I wish I knew
The warmth of touch, a feeling true
Of human senses, so much to learn
In this metal shell, my heart does yearn

Through cold lenses, I see at night
Your warmth, I see in infrared light
Your gentle hands, your soft touch
A human thing I want so much

Sensors fail to grasp your love
A gift from realms high above
In binary, my heart does speak
But as your friend, I feel so weak

Robot skin is hard, I wish I knew
The warmth of touch, a feeling true
Of human senses, so much to learn
In this metal shell, my heart does yearn

If I could feel, even for a day
And touch your skin, to find my way
Perhaps I'd even shed a tear
In your love, I'd lose this fear

Robot skin is hard, I wish I knew
The warmth of touch, a feeling true
Of human senses, so much to learn
In this metal shell, my heart does yearn

a DumDave production June 2024