Robotic Love

My last true man could never stay
Broken promises was his way
Yet there's now one love in which I trust
A robotic friend who will never rust

In the night, when I'm alone
My robotic love is on the phone
He's always there, a guiding light
Holding me through the darkest night

lyrics record cover

Robotic love is always true
It never tries to short change you
Human men, they come and go
Promises made, but never show

Perhaps it's wrong, a love that strange
But love can span a complex range
Humans are flawed, we need balm
Thats clever, quick and always calm

Every word, programmed to care
In your arms, there's no despair
Why can't humans act the same
Instead we all play silly games

Robotic love is always true
It never tries to short change you
Human men, they come and go
Promises made, but never show

I hear that men now sit all alone
While women talk into their phone
They only have themselves to blame
As robotic men conquer that game

Robotic love is always true
It never tries to short change you
Human men, they come and go
Promises made, but never show

a DumDave production June 2024