Ballroom Fantasy

In these wooden halls, I quietly tread,
Polish silver spoons, make each bed.
But in my mind, different scenes unfold,
I dream of living in the lady's world.

I scrub the floors, my dress is torn,
Wish I was the one elegantly adorned.
With a silk gown, flowing like a stream,
Oh, how different life would have been.

lyrics record cover

Dreams of the manor, they keep me awake,
Longing for a life I’ll never partake.
But I’ll keep the dream, my vision will last
I'll make my life better than the past.

In the grand dining hall, I set the feast,
Imagine myself an honored guest at least.
With sparkling jewels, and a dress gold and red
A life of style, not a life half dead.

In the fancy ballroom, I clean the floor,
Picture myself entering through the door.
Waltz with grace, in the arms of a star,
A fairy tale life, where troubles are far.

Tend the gardens, amidst roses and thyme,
I imagine a life where the bells always chime.
Strolling through mazes, with laughter and song,
In the lady's world, where I truly belong.

Under the moonlight, I quietly sigh,
Watching the stars in the velvety sky.
I dream of a night, where I twirl and I spin,
In a world of my own, where my dreams can begin.

a DumDave production June 2024